
Showing posts from January, 2020

Short Story

The Hobbit Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who lives a quiet life, until it is upset by a visit from a wizard named Gandalf. He wants Bilbo to help a group of dwarves take back the Mountain from Smaug, a dragon. Bilbo is unsure he wants to help, but he is drawn into the adventure by Gandalf, who tells the dwarves Bilbo is a burglar. The thirteen dwarves are led by Thorin Oakenshield, whose grandfather left a map and key to the Mountain in the care of Gandalf. The group encounters a few setbacks, such as the loss of the pony carrying their food supplies. Another occurs when Bilbo and the dwarves are captured by trolls, but Gandalf manages, through some trickery to free them. One night the group is forced to take shelter in a cave during a bad storm. The cave is the home of goblins, who capture them. Gandalf helps them escape, but Bilbo is left behind, after he is knocked unconscious. He stumbles on a ring in the tunnel and puts it into his pocket. Later his path is blocked by a l


MY HOLIYAYYY WOHOO           Last holiday I went to Makkah and Madina to do Umrah with my family, i went there with my parents, my grandma, my uncle, my aunt, and my cousins. Holiday started on 20 December 2019 and I went there on 21st December 2019. The flight was from Jakarta to Jedda at 11 am , so I went to Jakarta from Bandung at 4 am. It took almost 10 hours flight until I arrived in Jedda. From Jedda I went to Makkah by bus. The first and the second day in Makkah I mostly just pray, went to mosque, did umrah, and went to the store with my cousins.            The third day i did a city tour by bus. First I went to Jabal Tsur or Tsur Cave, the cave was in the Tsur Mountain. I and my family took some pictures there and just look around because the tour leader doesn't recommended us to climb the mountain to the cave because the mauntain was high enough and the weather was hot. So after we took a group pictures we went back to the bus and continue our city tour.